Thursday, April 12, 2007

Antigüo proyecto de centro de justicia?

Yo nunca habia oido habalr de esto, pero lo encontre por ahi navegando, hechenle un ojo a ver si lo conocian, voy a poner el texto en ingles tal lo muestra la pagina, y si alguien lo puede traducir mejor, yo lo entiendo, pero hay algunas cosas tecnicas q no tengo idea q significa, aunq el concepto se entiende bien y pongo los 3 render q proveen(aparentemente era un proyecto de 1993):

Puerto Madero Justice Center
Buenos Aires, Argentina

The objective of this study was to assess the feasibility of locating a new Federal and Regional Justice Center at Puerto Madero in Buenos Aires, Argentina. This was based upon the relationship of the program requirements to the existing and proposed infrastructure at Puerto Madero, a new mixed-use 15.6 million square foot development planned for a previously abandoned historic port just to the east of the Central Business District.

The programming study entailed meeting with representatives of the Supreme Court of the Nation, to discuss their changing requirements as the legal system converts from a written system to one of oral argument; developing a range of scenarios for which branches of the legal system might move; assessing current space needs for the entire system, and alternative schemes for locating the (1.5 million square foot) Justice Center within the proposed master plan.

The new Judicial Central de Puerto Madero will house all the Branches (Fueros) of the Supreme Court of Argentina except for the Criminal Courts.

The architectural goal for the Judicial Central is to create a strong urban place which represents the symbolic importance of the Judicial Branch of Government while harmonizing with its natural and man-made surroundings. The character of the Judicial Central should blend the monumental with the prosaic, mix elements of the Beaux Arts City of Buenos Aires with the industrial character of Puerto Madero, and marry stone, brick, metal and glass to create a new image for a new system of justice.

The internal planning for the Fueros follows the same logic as the urban design guidelines- separation of the public from the private and flexibility of use.


Corporacion Antiguo Puerto Madero

Design guidelines for the Justice Center including Courtrooms, Judges Chambers, Elevator, Lobbies, Cafeteria, General Offices, and Ancillary Spaces

1,200,000ft² / 111,483.7m²

Design guidelines submitted

Igual dejenme acotar lo gracioso de q en la epoca menemista se hubiese hecho un centro judicial como ese, mas q una hipocresia hubiese sido casi paradojico.>